5) Tutankhamun 파라오 (BC 1341-1323 BC)
Tutankhamun 파라오도 편두를 한 것으로 판단된다. 아래 사진들을 보면 이 당시의 여성들이 더 편두를 한 모습이 확연히 드러난다.

Quartzite statue thought to be of Tutankhamun from temple complex at Medinet Habu (source : Wikipedia)

Tomb of King Tutankhamun (BC 1332-BC 1323) (source : Wikipedia)

Tutankhamun exhibition in 2018 in Los Angeles (source : Wikipedia)
투탕카문왕은 18왕국의 아케나텐왕의 아들로서 BC 1332- BC 1323기간에 재위했다. 그는 수도를 Amarna에서 Memphis로 옮겼다. 그리고 아케나텐왕이 믿던 Aten 신 대신에 기존의 Amun 신을 믿는 신앙으로 돌아 갔다. 수도를 도로 옮긴 것과 기존의 신상으로 바꾼 것을 보면, 선왕의 전통을 끊으려는 시도로 보인다. 아니면 기득권층의 세력에 복종하는 것일 수도 있는데, 어린 나이에 왕이 되고 18세에 죽은 것을 보면, 그리고 그 이후 무인들에 의해 정권이 좌우되는 것을 고려하면, 파라오로서 강력한 권력을 가지고 있던 것은 아닌 것으로 판단된다. (아래 자료 참조).
"Tutankhamun[a] or Tutankhamen[b] (c. 1341 BC – c. 1323 BC), was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled c. 1332 – 1323 BC during the late Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. Born Tutankhaten, he was likely a son of Akhenaten, thought to be the KV55 mummy. His mother was identified through DNA testing as The Younger Lady buried in KV35; she was a full sister of her husband.
Tutankhamun acceded to the throne around the age of nine following the short reigns of his predecessors Smenkhkare and Neferneferuaten. He married his half-sister Ankhesenpaaten, who was probably the mother of his two infant daughters. During his reign he restored the traditional polytheistic form of ancient Egyptian religion, undoing the religious shift known as Atenism. His endowments and restorations of cults were recorded on the Restoration Stela. The cult of the god Amun at Thebes was restored to prominence and the royal couple changed their names to "Tutankhamun" and "Ankhesenamun", replacing the -aten suffix.
Additionally, he moved the royal court away from Akhenaten's capital, Amarna, and back to Memphis. He reestablished diplomatic relations with the Mitanni and carried out military campaigns in Nubia and the Near East. Tutankhamun was one of few kings worshipped as a deity during his lifetime. The young king likely began construction of a royal tomb in the Valley of the Kings and an accompanying mortuary temple but both were unfinished at the time of his death.
Tutankhamun died unexpectedly aged about 18; his health and the cause of his death have been the subject of much debate. In 2012 it was suggested he died from a combination of malaria and a leg fracture. With his royal tomb incomplete, he was instead buried in a small non-royal tomb adapted for his use. He was succeeded by his vizier Ay. Likely an old man when he became king, Ay's reign was short, being succeeded by Horemheb, Tutankhamun's commander-in-chief. Under Horemheb, the restoration of the traditional ancient Egyptian religion was completed; Ay and Tutankhamun's constructions were usurped and earlier Amarna Period rulers were erased........
(source : Tutankhamun, wikipedia, 인용출처 : 필자의 네이버 블로그(lainfos), 카테고리, 고대이집트)

The throne of Tutankhamun, the Aten depicted above (source : Wikipedia)
상기 그림은 투탄카멘 파라오가 Hemhem 왕관을 쓰고 있다. 이 왕관은 아케나텐 파라오부터 나타나기 시작해서 21왕조까지 이용했다고 기술된다. 그리고 Heka, Isis, Osiris 신등이 이 왕관을 썼으며, 그리스-로마 시기에는 몇몇 신전에서 태양신이 이 왕관을 썼다 한다. (아래 자료 참조). 즉 이 왕관은 그리스와 관련이 있으며, 태양신과 관련이 있으며, 상기 그림에서도 태양신인 Aten의 형상이 잘 나타나 있다. 다시 한번 그리스와 이집트, 그리고 태양신과의 연관관계를 보여 준다.
The hemhem crown, based on depictions from antiquity(source : Wikipedia)
"Hemhem crown was an ancient Egyptian ceremonial headgear. The hemhem crown consisted of three atefs (which may be called a triple atef[2]), two uraei, two ram's horns, and three to six solar disks. The first appearance of the hemhem crown is during the reign of Akhenaten in the 14th century BC, appearing as an alternative to the atef crown, and it underwent development between the 18th and 21st dynasties. Gods like Heka,[3] Isis,[4] and Osiris also appeared with the hemhem crown, and during the Greco-Roman period, solar deities were also depicted wearing it in some temples.[5]
(source : Hemhem crown, wikipedia, 인용출처 : 필자의 네이버 블로그(lainfos), 카테고리, 고대이집트)
또한 이왕관은 메소포타미아의 엘람에서도 이용한 것을 보면 (아래 그림 참조), 메소포타미아, 그리스, 이집트가 공히 이용했다는 것으로, 이들 지역이 하나의 공동체이었을 가능성을 보여 준다.

A winged figure in Elamite robes wearing a hemhem crown[1]
그런데 투탕카멘의 DNA 분석결과 유럽에 흔한, 그리고 Danes족의 DNA인 R1b가 주인 것으로 나타났다. (아래 자료 참조) 이는 투탕카멘의 아버지 아케나텐왕도 R1b유전자를 가졌다고 추정 할 수 있고, R1b유전자 지역이 편두를 하였다고 추정할 수 있다. (실제 많은 유럽지역에서 편두를 한 결과를 보여 준다). 즉 Danes족의 조상은 훈족의 후손이고, Danes족의 중심축인 스칸디나비아에서도 편두가 관습이었던 것을 고려하면, 이집트도 유럽의 한 축이었을 가능성이 있다. (필자의 아래 글 참조)
Danes족의 유전자 분포 지역은 고조선 영역인가?(I)
I. 머리말 Danes족은 덴마크지역을 홈랜드로 하는 부족이다. 필자는 이 지역이 단군과 관련 있는 지역이 아닌가 추정한다. 덴마크지역이 기원후 500년경의 두막루가 있던 지역으로 추정된다. 두막
"DNA testing identified his father as the mummy from tomb KV55, thought to be Akhenaten, and his mother as "The Younger Lady", an anonymous mummy cached in tomb KV35. His parents were full siblings, both being children of Amenhotep III and his chief wife Tiye.[23][g] The identity of The Younger Lady is unknown but she cannot be Nefertiti, as she was not known to be a sister of Akhenaten.[26] However, researchers such as Marc Gabolde and Aidan Dodson claim that Nefertiti was indeed Tutankhamun's mother. ....
When Tutankhaten became king, he married Ankhesenpaaten, one of Akhenaten's daughters, who later changed her name to Ankhesenamun.[29]
A genetic study, published in 2020, revealed Tutankhamun had the haplogroups YDNA R1b, which originated in western Asia and which today makes up 50–60% of the genetic pool of modern Europeans, and mtDNA K, which originated in the Near East. He shares this Y-haplogroup with his father, the KV55 mummy (Akhenaten), and grandfather, Amenhotep III, and his mtDNA haplogroup with his mother, The Younger Lady, his grandmother, Tiye, and his great-grandmother, Thuya. The profiles for Tutankhamun and Amenhotep III were incomplete and the analysis produced differing probability figures despite having concordant allele results. Because the relationships of these two mummies with the KV55 mummy had previously been confirmed in an earlier study, the haplogroup prediction of both mummies could be derived from the full profile of the KV55 data[32][33]
(source : Tutankhamun, wikipedia, 인용출처 : 필자의 네이버 블로그(lainfos), 카테고리, 고대이집트)
6) Seti I 파라오 (BC 1294-1279 BC)
Seti I 파라오는 신왕국 19왕국의 2번째 파라오이다. 여전히 편두를 한 것으로 아래 사진에서 나타난다. Seti I왕은 람세스 1세의 아들이고, 유명한 람세스 II세 왕의 아버지이다.
람세스 1세는 제 19왕국의 첫번째 파라오이다. 즉 람세스 1세는 기존의 18왕국의 마지막 파라오인 투탕카멘 파라오 시기에 정변을 일으켜 파라오가 되지 않았나 하는 추정이다. (본 블로그, 카테고리, 고대이집트, Ramesses I, 내용 참조)

Seti I King (BC 1294-BC 1279)
Image of Seti I from his temple in Abydos (source : Wikipedia)
"Menmaatre Seti I (or Sethos I in Greek) was the second pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt during the New Kingdom period, ruling c. 1294 or 1290 BC to 1279 BC.[4][5] He was the son of Ramesses I and Sitre, and the father of Ramesses II.....
After the enormous social upheavals generated by Akhenaten's religious reform, Horemheb, Ramesses I and Seti I's main priority was to re-establish order in the kingdom and to reaffirm Egypt's sovereignty over Canaan and Syria, which had been compromised by the increasing external pressures from the Hittite state. Seti, with energy and determination, confronted the Hittites several times in battle. Without succeeding in destroying the Hittites as a potential danger to Egypt, he reconquered most of the disputed territories for Egypt and generally concluded his military campaigns with victories. The memory of Seti I's military successes was recorded in some large scenes placed on the front of the temple of Amun, situated in Karnak. A funerary temple for Seti was constructed in what is now known as Qurna (Mortuary Temple of Seti I), on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes while a magnificent temple made of white limestone at Abydos featuring exquisite relief scenes was started by Seti, and later completed by his son. His capital was at Memphis. He was considered a great king by his peers, but his fame has been overshadowed since ancient times by that of his son, Ramesses II."
(source : Seti I, Wikipedia, 인용출처 : 필자의 네이버 블로그(lainfos), 카테고리, 고대이집트)
Seti I왕은 히타이트와 전쟁에서 크게 승리를 하지 못했지만, 그들과 협상으로 마무리하고, 시리아나 가나안지역의 지배권은 확실히 하였다. 수도는 Memphis를 유지하였다.
하기 벽화를 보면, Seti I왕도 Hemhem crown과 유사한 왕관을 쓰고 있다. 역시 투탕카문과 유사한 모습이다.

Relief in the Temple of Seti I (Abydos) of Thoth giving the ankh to pharaoh Seti I. (source : Wikipedia)
아래 Thoth 신도 유사한 관을 쓰고 있다. Thoth 신은 달(Moon)의 신이며, 이집트 상형문자를 발명한 이집트신이다. 고대의 파라오를 신격화한 것으로 추정된다. 따오기 모습과 개코원숭이 모습의 얼굴을 가진다. 이집트에서 새는 하늘과 통하는 것으로 인식되어, 새를 상징하는 많은 신(파라오)들의 모습을 본다.

Thoth (source : Wikipedia)
7) Ramsses II (BC 1279-1213 BC)
아래 사진을 보면 람세스2세도 편두를 한 것으로 추정된다.

Ramses II (Bc 1279-BC 1213) (source : Wikipedia)
그의 부인 또한 편두를 하여 긴 왕관을 쓰지 않았나 추정된다.

Tomb wall depicting Nefertari (source : Wikipedia)
"Ramesses II[a] (/ˈræməsiːz, ˈræmsiːz, ˈræmziːz/; Ancient Egyptian: rꜥ-ms-sw, Rīꜥa-masē-sə,[b] Ancient Egyptian pronunciation: [ɾiːʕamaˈseːsə]; c. 1303 BC – 1213 BC),[7] commonly known as Ramesses the Great, was an Egyptian pharaoh. He was the third ruler of the Nineteenth Dynasty. Along with Thutmose III of the Eighteenth Dynasty, he is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom, which itself was the most powerful period of ancient Egypt.[8] He is also widely considered one of ancient Egypt's most successful warrior pharaohs, conducting no fewer than 15 military campaigns, all resulting in victories, excluding the Battle of Kadesh, generally considered a stalemate.[9]
In ancient Greek sources, he is called Ozymandias,[c][10] derived from the first part of his Egyptian-language regnal name: Usermaatre Setepenre.[d][11] Ramesses was also referred to as the "Great Ancestor" by successor pharaohs and the Egyptian people.
For the early part of his reign, he focused on building cities, temples, and monuments. After establishing the city of Pi-Ramesses in the Nile Delta, he designated it as Egypt's new capital and used it as the main staging point for his campaigns in Syria. Ramesses led several military expeditions into the Levant, where he reasserted Egyptian control over Canaan and Phoenicia; he also led a number of expeditions into Nubia, all commemorated in inscriptions at Beit el-Wali and Gerf Hussein. He celebrated an unprecedented thirteen or fourteen Sed festivals—more than any other pharaoh.[12] "
(source : Ramsses II, wikipedia, 인용출처 : 필자의 네이버 블로그(lainfos), 카테고리, 고대이집트)
람세스 2세는 이집트의 정복왕으로 레반트지역, 가나안지역, 페니키언지역, 남부 이집트인 누비아지역을 15번이상의 군사원정을 통해 지배한 파라오이다.
아래 벽화에서 람세스 3세도 Hemhem crown을 한 것으로 보인다. 역시 메소포타미아지역과의 연관성을 의미한다.

Khonsu behind Rameses III offering to Amun, Temple of a million years of Rameses III (source : Wikipedia)
아래 그림은 이집트의 신 Maat의 형상인데, 날개 옷을 입고 있다. 역시 메소포타미아지역과의 관련성을 말해 준다고 본다.

Winged Maat, depicted in The Tomb of Nefertari (1255 BCE)
(source : Wikipedia)
Maat 신은 Thoth신의 부인으로서, 고왕국시기부터 존재한 신이다. 18왕조시기에는 태양신 Ra신의 딸로 묘사되었다. (아래 자료 참조)
"Maat or Maʽat (Egyptian: mꜣꜥt /ˈmuʀʕat/, Coptic: ⲙⲉⲓ)[1] comprised the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice....
The earliest surviving records indicating that Maat is the norm for nature and society, in this world and the next, were recorded during the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the earliest substantial surviving examples being found in the Pyramid Texts of Unas (c. 2375 BCE and 2345 BCE).[5]
From the Eighteenth Dynasty (c. 1550 – 1295 BC) Maat was described as the daughter of Ra, indicating that pharaohs were believed to rule through her authority.[7]
Depictions of Maat as a goddess are recorded from as early as the middle of the Old Kingdom (c. 2680 to 2190 BCE).[11] "
(source : Maat, wikipedia, 인용출처 : 필자의 네이버 블로그(lainfos), 카테고리, 고대이집트)
아래 사진은 Montu신인데, 매의 얼굴을 하거나, 황소의 얼굴을 하고 있다. Montu신에 대해 자료를 살펴 보면 치우가 연상된다. (아래 자료 참조)

Montu is usually depicted as a falcon-headed man, adorned with two tall plumes on a sun disk. (source : Wikipedia)
전쟁의 신이며, 휘어진 칼, 창, 활과 화살, 칼 등 여러 무기를 잘 사용했다 하며, 11왕국시기 (c. 2134–1991 BC)부터 왕국의 수호신으로 되었다. Montu라는 이름은 Nomad 즉 유목민이라는 뜻이라 한다. (아래 자료 참조) 즉 유목민의 신이라는 뜻이다.
11왕국 이전의 시기에 있던 파라오가 Montu신으로 숭배되는 것이라 추정된다. 치우천황은 BC 2600년 시기이므로, 11왕국 이전의 시기이다. 필자는 위에서 대피라미드를 세운 쿠푸왕 시기가 치우천황 시기라 했다. 따라서 이집트 Montu신이 치우천황을 신으로 한 것일 수도 있다.
Montu신은 상류 나일강의 Thebes지역에서 특히 숭배되었다 한다. 그리고 이집트의 Montu신은 그리스의 Ares신에 해당한다 한다. (아래 자료 참조)
"Montu was a falcon-god of war in the ancient Egyptian religion, an embodiment of the conquering vitality of the pharaoh.[1] He was particularly worshipped in Upper Egypt and in the district of Thebes.[2]
Montu's name, shown in Egyptian hieroglyphs to the right, is technically transcribed as mntw (meaning "Nomad"[4][5]). Because of the difficulty in transcribing Egyptian vowels, it is often realized as Mont, Monthu, Montju, Ment or Menthu.[4]
A very ancient god, Montu was originally a manifestation of the scorching effect of Ra, the sun – and as such often appeared under the epithet Montu-Ra. The destructiveness of this characteristic led to him gaining characteristics of a warrior, and eventually becoming a widely revered war-god. ...
It is possible that Montu-Ra and Atum-Ra symbolized the two kingships, respectively, of Upper and Lower Egypt.[7]
Because of the association of raging bulls with strength and war, the Egyptians also believed that Montu manifested himself as a white, black-snouted bull named Buchis (hellenization of the original Bakha: a living bull revered in Armant) — to the point that, in the Late Period (7th-4th centuries BC), Montu was depicted with a bull's head too.[2] This special sacred bull had dozens of servants and wore precious crowns and bibs.[7]
In Egyptian art, Montu was depicted as a falcon-headed or bull-headed man, with his head surmounted by the solar disk (because of his conceptual link with Ra[2]) with either a double or singular uraeus,[9][10] and two feathers. The falcon was a symbol of the sky and the bull was a symbol of strength and war. He could also wield various weapons, such as a curved sword, a spear, bow and arrows, or knives: such military iconography was widespread in the New Kingdom (16th-11th centuries BC).[4]
He was also revered as one of the patrons of the city of Thebes and its fortresses. The sovereigns of the 11th Dynasty (c. 2134–1991 BC) chose Montu as a protective and dynastic deity, inserting references to him in their own names. For example, four pharaohs of the 11th Dynasty were called Mentuhotep, which means "Montu (Mentu) is satisfied":
- Mentuhotep I (c. 2135 BC) — maybe a fictional figure;
- Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II (c. 2061–2010 BC);
- Sankhkare Mentuhotep III (c. 2010–1998 BC);
- Nebtawyre Mentuhotep IV (c. 1998–1991 BC).[1]
The Greeks associated Montu with their god of war Ares – although that did not prevent his assimilation to Apollo, probably due to the solar radiance that distinguished him.[4][8]
Montu and the pharaohs at war[edit]
The cult of this military god enjoyed great prestige under the pharaohs of the 11th Dynasty,[1] whose expansionism and military successes led, around 2055 BC, to the reunification of Egypt, the end of a period of chaos known today as the First Intermediate Period, and a new era of greatness for the country. This part of Egyptian history, known as the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055–1650 BC),[13] was a period in which Montu assumed the role of supreme god — before then gradually being surpassed by the other Theban god Amun, destined to become the most important deity of the Egyptian pantheon.[2]
From the 11th Dynasty onward, Montu was considered the symbol of the pharaohs as rulers, conquerors and winners, as well as their inspirer on the battlefield.
A ceremonial battle ax, belonging to the funeral kit of Queen Ahhotep II, Great Royal Wife of the warlike pharaoh Kamose (c. 1555–1550 BC), who lived between the 17th and 18th Dynasty, represents Montu as a proud winged griffin: an iconography clearly influenced by the same Syriac origin which inspired Minoan art.[14]
Egypt's greatest general-kings called themselves "Mighty Bull", "Son Of Montu", "Montu Is with His Strong/Right Arm" (Montuherkhepeshef: which was also the given name of a son of Ramesses II, of one of Ramesses III and one of Ramesses IX). Thutmose III (c. 1479—1425 BC), "the Napoleon of Egypt",[15] was described in ancient times as a "Valiant Montu on the Battlefield".[4] An inscription from his son Amenhotep II (1427–1401 BC) recalls that the eighteen-year-old pharaoh was able to shoot arrows through copper targets while driving a war chariot, commenting that he had the skill and strength of Montu.[7] The latter's grandson, Amenhotep III the Magnificent (c.1388–1350 BC), called himself "Montu of the Rulers" in spite of his own peaceful reign.[16] In the narrative of the Battle of Kadesh (c. 1274 BC), Ramesses II the Great — who proudly called himself "Montu of the Two Lands"[4] — was said to have seen the enemy and "raged at them like Montu, Lord of Thebes".[17]
(source : Montu, wikipedia, 인용출처 : 필자의 네이버 블로그(lainfos), 카테고리, 고대이집트)
아래 사진은 Maat신에게 봉헌하는 이집트의 Priest사진이다. 그런데 그 자세가 무릎을 꿇고 하는 자세이다. 그것도 한발은 들고 다른 발은 굽히는 자세이다. 필자는 동이족의 특징으로 무릎 꿇는 자세로 예를 표하는 예를 들어 Suebi족이 선비족이 아닌가 하는 글을 썼다. (아래 필자의 글 참조).
북유럽의 Suebi족은 선비족인가?
얼마전 편두 자료를 보다가 우리 선조들의 특징을 말하는 자료에서 편두, 상투, 무릎꿇기, 좌임, 순장을 논하는 자료를 보게 되었다.(아래 자료 박영철님 글 참조) http://www.mediaville.co.kr/news/article
그래서 예사롭게 보이지 않는다. 이집트의 다른 벽화에서도 두 무릎을 모두 꿇은 자세를 보았다. 이것도 고조선의 일부라는 것을 말하는 것이 아닐까 하는 추측을 해본다.

Statuette of a kneeling man, maybe a priest, offering a small Maat figure. Bronze with agemina. Third Intermediate Period/Late Period
(source : Wikipedia)
8) 결 론
필자는 이제까지의 이집트 연구에 있어서, 여러 벽화 모습을 통해서 이집트, 그리스, 메소포타미아, 그리고 인도의 남아시아까지 서로 연계되는 것을 보아 왔다. Hemhem Crown의 사용, 그리고 날개가 있는 옷, 아테네신, 무신론(Atheism), 태양신, 스핑크스, 황소의 신, 등에 있어서 이러한 정황을 확인했다. 이러한 정황은 편두를 통한 고조선의 영역 추정에 있어서 필자의 추정을 확인해 주는 것들이라 판단한다. 앞으로 계속된 연구에서 더 밝혀지겠지만, 상기의 이러한 지역 모두 편두의 지역이라는 것임을 미리 밝히고자 한다.
마지막으로 아래 수메르문명의 Girusu에서 발견된 인더스 문명의 Seals을 보면 인도문명과 메소포타미아 문명의 관계를 말해 주고 있다. 이 또한 필자의 추정을 뒷받침하는 자료가 아닐까 한다.

Indus seal impression discovered in Telloh(Girusu), a result of Indus-Mesopotamia relations.[33][34] (source : Wikipedia)
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